Friday, November 02, 2007

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The five o five : Friday, November 2, 2007

Patience is a Virtue

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick.

What are you waiting for? Money? Fame? Recognition? A Promotion? Love?

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick.

How long are you willing to wait for it? An hour? A minute? A year? A decade? A millennium?

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick.

Time's up! Put you pencils down and turn in your tests. Now let me look at your answers.


Its worse than I thought. Please have a seat on the couch and lets get started.

Patience. For some people its a terrible word. It means waiting. It means not getting your way right now. Its a contradiction to the commercial reality that we live in. Some of us just simple loathe every non eventful moment of our lives. We got to keep moving. There's got to be something happening at every second of everyday or else we'll make something happen. Why are we like this? What is out problem?

We tap our foot and curse at the red light. Our server is the annoying barrier between us and our hot plate of food at the restaurant. We dread every minute we have to sit and wait for our doctor to call us in. The lines at the amusement park are there to delay our exciting ride experience. Microwave pop corn just takes to long to pop.

An impatient lifestyle is marketed to us at a very early age. What do babies care about time? Nothing. But how many crying babies have you seen send their idle mothers and fathers into a scrambling frenzy the moment they hear the shrill teary eyed hollering of a hungry, tired, wet, lonely infant? Look at the way we are entertained as children also. When we were wide eyed inquisitive toddlers we probably watched brightly colored cartoon role models zip across the T.V. screen running, jumping, falling, and chasing some other neon hued nemesis or ally (think Tom and Jerry, Coyote and Road Runner, Speedy Gonzales, etc). From an early age being slow was never acceptable. Little boys played with fast cars and bicycles that resembles motor cycles. Little girls had it a bit easier with their toys, that is until Barbie could instantly grow hair. SO we grow up thinking, "I WANT IT NOW NOW NOW!"

We tap our foot and curse at the red light. Our server is the annoying barrier between us and our hot plate of food at the restaurant. We dread every minute we have to sit and wait for our doctor to call us in. The lines at the amusement park are there to delay our exciting ride experience. Microwave pop corn just takes to long to pop. Why is waiting such a bad thing? What makes patience such a villain?


I'm patient. I sometimes enjoy the hours between the something and the nothingness. Red lights are the times I use to write down important ideas. I enjoy the conversation that waiting for food at restaurants allow. The doctors office is the perfect place to work on an unfinished art project. The lines leading up to the new ride is what make the ride so much more exciting. But you are right that microwave popcorn does take too long.

So what can we do about patience (or our lack there of). Is not having patience truly that big a deal? Is having patience honestly that great a virtue? Does waiting or not waiting illustrate to the world what our agenda is? How far we'll make it in life. In the end don't we still have to wait? No matter how fast you can run. Now matter how much pointless activity we fill our nothing moments with we still have to ride along with the stream of time itself.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

I know its somewhat of an annoyance but what can anyone do about it?

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick.

We just have to relax a little bit and hope that every thing turns out right.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick.

A watched pot never boils, nor does grass grow, or paint dry quicker, or life move any faster.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick.

Time's up.

Read the follow up question to this post at Yahoo! Answers

Thursday, November 01, 2007

The five o five : Thursday, November 1, 2007

Family Values

I'm starting to believe all this talk that the end of the end of days is upon us. Have you seen the world lately? Everything is falling to pieces but the media wants to pretend like its no big issue. No one wants to admit that the whole thing is going to hell in a breadbasket because no one is ready to go yet. I know I don't because I just got started. It really doesn't matter though, what I think or how I feel. God does what he wants to do. It is his world anyway and we are his creation. So I appreciate everyday that I am allowed to think, breathe, sing, dance, work, struggle, fail, succeed, live. Isn't that how it should be? What about the rest of the world though? Why does it seem like some people are more fortunate than others? Why does it seem like some are rewarded tremendous successes while others suffer the worse disappointment ever? Maybe its all about perception, the way you see the things around you. I tend to enjoy the smallest and most insignificant pleasures in life while some look at it with the attitude of, "That's it?" It all falls on one single word and concept in the end. VALUES.

I work for a teen prevention program and my boss is always talking about "values" as though it were stronger than the strongest brand of Gorilla Glue[tm]. He always says that, "Values determine the way that you live your life. Values determine what you become. Values determine how you spend your time and the company you keep. Values are the only possession we own that can show our true worth to the world." Values, after hearing him talk about it, sound like a big deal.

The world was a lot more simple then. Children, in my day (I sound old now), did things like go outside, play tag, climb trees, ride bikes, roller skate, jump rope, cut grass, etc, etc... It was all about being creative. I think it made us appreciate the world more. We didn't have virtual reality the real world was our playground.

Back in the eighty's I remember most of the television sitcoms focused on that very same concept of values. Their melodramatic half hour quips set the tone for how they wanted people in society to act, live, and resolve issues and conflicts. Sure the world wasn't perfect back then either but people did seem a bit nicer. These days sitcoms come packaged with "off the wall content" and ignorant displays of rudeness or plain idiocy. I'm still trying to figure out if its art that imitates life or vice versa? You can't blame T.V. for everything though. Some of it is our own fault. But what is it that sets the stage for what we value?

When I was younger I was one of the happiest children in the universe. We didn't have PSP's or DS's. We didn't have cell phones and text messaging. We didn't have Cartoon Network of satellite. We only had each other and our imagination. Now, some of you younger readers are probably sitting and glaring wide eyed and open jawed at the screen re-reading the previous sentence over and over to be sure you understood it correctly and I assure you that you did. This next sentence is the killer though. Are you ready? We didn't have the internet[check it out on wikipedia] either. Now calm down it's not that serious. The world was a lot more simple then. Children, in my day (I sound old now), did things like go outside, play tag, climb trees, ride bikes, roller skate, jump rope, cut grass, etc, etc... It was all about being creative. I think it made us appreciate the world more. We didn't have virtual reality the real world was our playground.

So when did we make this introverted transition into the realm of selfish behavior and self confinement? That answer I do not know but I do know that people are going to truly regret not taking notice of the world around them especially after it all breaks down. We don't have long and I know this for a fact. The proof is in the way we treat each other. Yes that's what I said. We treat our fellow "Human Beings" like crap. Look at the stories that make the headlines. At one time the news was a respectable outlet for information and morality but now its filled with the same garbage that fluffs the edges of our sitcoms. But stories like "Britney Spears loses it," and, "Paris Hilton goes to jail". Or stories like, "Michael Vick arrested," an "OJ looses it all." This is what the news is all about these days. The stories don't end with a positive spin or comparison, they just end. So now we sit in front of screen (while the Viagra commercial fills your head with even more disturbing images) not knowing what to think.

I know for sure that the world is almost over, I have proof. There was something that happened to me yesterday evening that I must share with you all. It was almost the most disturbing thing that has ever happened to me but it says a lot about the way people think. So sit down kids a get ready for a story. Ok here it goes.

I could have been a preacher, a teacher, a counselor, his regional manager, GOD. I could have been Jesus returning to judge humanity and he alone damned the whole of existence.

I was at my favorite store yesterday, Best Buy, when I was elated to find out that my favorite game, Dance Dance Revolution [check it out on ign], had released a sequel to the play station version of their game. I had a brief internal argument with myself over the decision to get the game or not because I still have other bills to pay and I didn't want to have to sacrifice my responsibilities for a game (how is that for values?). So I walked over to the live display they had set up for the game to see if it was worth the purchase because if I could afford it then I would at least like to try it out first just to see if I would enjoy it in my home. I was dressed in my work clothes at this time which consists of a collard shirt, neck tie, basic slacks and dress shoes. Nothing that would say anything less than, "That guy handles his business." So I step onto the dance mat sorting through the selection of songs to see if there were any that I would be interested in. The game had a nice collection of tunes and I was even impressed to see that a Chris Brown [Chris Brown on Chris Brown] number had made the list. I was sold. A couple of the employees (not gonna mention their race so you already know who they were) walked over and started a casual conversation with me. I half way answered their questions because I was more interested in experiencing the game at this point. One of them shot a half insulting statement my way but I batted it back unimpressed (picture Barry Bonds for that one). I was now ready to play. The song was Le Freak by Chic and even on expert mode it was a bit slow for my tastes but I guess it was just the right speed for a guy wearing a suit and tie. The two employees continue to talk to me as I played and I ignored most of what they had to say until one statement finally pierced my confident bubble of ignorance. I had made the statement that I teach a class for those wanting to learn how to play DDR (and I do it's called Step FX [visit my cafe press store]). I had also told them how I lost 30 pounds over the summer playing the game every morning for a half hour. One of these ignorant individuals responded with what he thought was a funny joke but it had literally made me feel sick to my stomach. He said,

"You wanna know how I lost 30 pounds this summer?"

Before I could blatantly tell him no and continue with my game he continued,

"I found me some fine girls and I "F_ _ _ _ d" them."

YES! HE SAID THAT TO ME! I could have been a preacher, a teacher, a counselor, his regional manager, GOD. I could have been Jesus returning to judge humanity and he alone damned the whole of existence. Values have left the building.

I'm ok now. After the incident I lost my appetite (not for food but just in general). I even stopped playing in the middle of the round. After he said what he said he did go away but I wonder how long had he been waiting to display he immaturity. His lack of morals. His lack of values. All day? All week? His whole life? Is this what our society is coming to that you can approach a complete stranger and on top of that a potential customer and insult their ability and interest with an inappropriate remark? Whatever happened to tact? Whatever happened to respect? Did all of those get canceled along with Family ties and Different Strokes? Who's in charge of the fall line up for reality? Can we get a few reruns? I would love to see a few old episodes of compassion? I would appreciate watching a show or two of honesty. I would even sit through an hour of respect, if that still comes on anywhere. That's the way I feel.

I still ended up buying the game. I need something to take my mind off of the world. Something that I can appreciate. It is the end of the world so I might as well find some enjoyment.

Cue the theme music and roll the credits.

Read the follow up question to this post at Yahoo! Answers

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The five o five : Wednesday, Octobober 31, 2007

Make Believe

Now I don't debate the fact that there are real people behind each cartoon avatar that appears on his friends list. Nor do I doubt that these animated representative are sponsored on the other end of the high speed cable by true emotion, invested by real human beings (or very intelligent cats).

Well so far so good readers. You probably thought that this little experiment would have crashed and burned by now but it still treks on. Even though gas is $2.99 a gallon I still have enough momentum to coast this bad boy to the finish line, SO THERE.

Now with that out of the way every one all together now, "WHO CARES!"

Right? I mean this is the freakin' internet for god sakes. Its not real. Its an imaginary world of make believe. Sure it has its lists of benefits but in the end what is it all worth really?

Can you imagine future civilizations discovering humanities lost ruins? Can you picture our shiny pc cases littering the ancient earth landscape? This entire internet universe would be completely invisible to them. All they would see is that we kept these mystical plastic boxes in our dwelling spaces for worship, storage, and possibly to ward off evil spirits. You remember how long it took for us to decipher the Rosetta Stone. So how much longer would it take to unlock the complexities of a Gateway Convertible CX210X?

There is a recurring debate I have with a friend of mine over how serious he takes the internet. He logs on daily to one of those popular internet social networking sites (need I say the name) and he visits with "friends", reviews their comments and replies to their utter, tacky, glittery non sense, as though they were real words. Now I don't debate the fact that there are real people behind each cartoon avatar that appears on his friends list. Nor do I doubt that these animated representative are sponsored on the other end of the high speed cable by true emotion, invested by real human beings (or very intelligent cats). I do argue, however, the level of emotion he should invest in responding to these imaginary people in this imaginary universe. It usually goes like this:

Someone send him a message with a few questionable items of inquiry and he responds with honest frustration as though they were standing right before him in the same room. He pounds on the keys and shakes his head with a dull angry grimace as though the idiot on the other end will digitally receive his expression. He smashes down the "CAPS LOCK" key and peppers the screen with as many exclamations as can fit in the response box hoping that they get the point.

I know most people would want to live near MySpace, or Google. I would probably live down the street from Blospot just around the corner from E-Bay.

All this wasted energy, I argue, shot into an endless void of ones and zeros! The person on the other end (or cat) can just as easily hit delete and never see that he replied or they can open it, read it and completely misinterpret his reply as some creative form of "asci text art" artistically devised for their enjoyment.

The internet is not real. Nothing here truly exist. It is only the representation of all thing real. It is a virtual catalog of reality itself. That's was what it was built for [link]. It was devised to hold all of our "Back up information" but for some reason we are trying are hardest to traverse fully into the digital realm.

What if we could really live in cyber space? Not like how the matrix did it but what if we could somehow digitize our physical form and build a quaint little house somewhere along the edge of the internet super highway. I can imagine how much more junk mail I would have to sort through. I can picture how many unwanted guest I would need to dodge. I can see some benefits though. Travel would be faster. Everyone could look however they wanted to look without surgical procedures and scaring. And.... That's about it. I know most people would want to live near MySpace, or Google. I would probably live down the street from Blospot just around the corner from E-Bay. We would all get along swell until the lag hits us. Did you forget about that? Or instead of burglars breaking into you house and stealing your T.V. we would have to worry about a skilled hacker stealing our house and spamming us with porn and Viagra pop ups (get it?). This is not the world I wanna live in.

So I tell my friend, almost everyday it seems. "The internet is not real, the internet is not real, the internet is not real." The good news is that at the end of the day we can shut down our browsers. We can log out of our operating system. And finally we can press off.

Read the follow up question to this post on Yahoo! Answers

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

5:05 : The Movement

-5:05 Team

Are you an early riser? Do you have a lot on your mind first thing in the morning? Can you type? Well the five o five is slowly becoming the social experiment of the decade.

The concept is very simple. As soon as you wake up (it doesn't have to be 5:05am) you need to blog whatever your first thoughts of the morning happen to be. You are allowed to edit and pretty it up however you feel but I want raw and unaltered thoughts to go in first. Do you think you can handle it? There is no required length. No required topic. Just wake up, think, and blog. That simple? That simple.

Wanna be a team member? Send me a message.
You can blog it on the official five o five blog or on your own. Its up to you.

For more info on what the five o five is all about [click here]

The five o five : Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Waiting to Exhale


Why do fools fall in love?
Money can't buy me love.
Love don't cost a thing.
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, LOVE!!!!! What is really going on with the world? Everybody is talking about it, "Love this, and love that."

"I think I love my wife, I found love on a two way street, love me or leave me alone." but I honestly wonder do people really believe in love or is it another one of those commercial marketing schemes like Ginsu Knives or the Swiffer Sweeper. Love does sound more like something you can rub on a bad relationship to get the stains out or at least that's how American culture treats it.

I opened it carefully not wanting to nick or tear this fine delicate artifact. This was an historic event. My journey into manhood documented on college ruled eight and a half by eleven inch paper. The first entry into my personal history book. It was finally open lying before me naked and wrinkled. Large bubbly words danced about the surface ignoring both lines and margins but holding firm within their blue and white cage. This was it.

I remember being younger and around Valentines day everyone was buzzing about this love thing, but back then love (for a 5 year old) was only applicable to your mommy, your auntie, your granny, and maybe your doggie. Love had nothing to do with girlfriend or boyfriend or anything even nearly that icky. As a teenager, I remember love becoming a bit more complex with the acquired knowledge of kissing and the opposite sex. It seemed like the most exciting thing in the world. The best activity ever. I imagined it in the same category as monopoly, scrabble or something similar to tag. Love was the greatest game I couldn't wait to play. The problem with love, however, was that it wasn't as simple a game as you would like it to be. You don't just pick teams and your players don't always play fair. I remember several of my teenage crushes (potential team mates) being interested in signing to my fall roster but negotiations never followed all the way through. I didn't have a girlfriend until I was 14 y'all. A freshman in high school.

So what about that? How did that first time really feel? What was my first experience with the game of love all about and why did I do it? Well, it happened like this (cue the flash back sequence);

I was sitting in an auditorium in front of some random girls (I was a nerd so you only sat near girls or by girls but never with them) when one of them, from behind me, hands me a note. It was folded up neatly along with the standard, "I'm a girl," signature fold and at first I thought it was to be passed along to someone else. I didn't look back. I was afraid to. Looking into the eyes of a girl back then was just like staring directly at the sun. You instantly become blind and powerless and no 14 year old boy wants that to happen. So I look down at the letter and written on the front fold was my name, spelled incorrectly of course. Nervousness swept over me in a way that almost made me pee on myself. It wasn't the fact that a girl had handed me a letter but it was the fact that a girl had handed me a letter that was actually for me. I opened it carefully not wanting to nick or tear this fine delicate artifact. This was an historic event. My journey into manhood documented on college ruled eight and a half by eleven inch paper. The first entry into my personal history book. It was finally open lying before me naked and wrinkled. Large bubbly words danced about the surface ignoring both lines and margins but holding firm within their blue and white cage. This was it.

The letter was less of a letter and more of a survey. It was one of those simple questionnaires that almost every "love crazed" youth has taken part in. I carefully chose my own answer.

Do you like me? Yes | No

I circled yes not even looking back to see which of the girls had actually sent the inquiry but any girl that liked me then It was a shoeing that I would like them back. I circled yes more than one to be certain that whoever had sent it could see it clearly then I clumsily folded the note back and nervously passed it over my right shoulder. It seemed like an eternity before it returned to my possession. In the seconds that passed in between me have the note and passing it back I had projected an entire future with this mystery girl. We were married, had children, lived in a big house together, had a dog, and were in love. Ahhhhhhhhh love.

The letter came back to me and this time with a bit more confidence I opened it a read the response,

I think you're cute.

I think love needs to be redefined. Our lives are so over saturated with the word and concept of love that it no longer holds the value it once did. Love is one of the biggest marketing tools ever. We wear it. We eat it. We blow our noses on it. It covers our baby's bottoms. It tastes great and is less filling. Its damn near everywhere.

That's all I needed, confirmation that this wasn't god's sick joke for a lonely dweeb. I wrote back, "I think you are cute too," folded the letter and slowly turned around to sacrifice my vision for a glance into the eyes of a goddess. (All girls were goddesses back then) When my neck finally carried my head the full circumference of the 180 degrees there she was before me. I handed her the letter and shot a semi confident glare in her direction. She let out a shy giggle and just like that, boom. Confidence gone. My brawn bubble had busted and I was reminded that I was a nerd all over again. Its one thing to look at them but it’s an entirely different thing to hear them speak. My hands were shaky and my entire body was tense. I was sick. I felt like I was gonna die. No. I was in love.

After that day me and the girl "went together" which was nothing more than a phone calling and note passing activity to occupy the otherwise boring school day. It was the sort of game you'd play on a rainy day because you can't go outside. All 14 days of our relationship turned out to be nothing like they had shown on television and I was slightly disappointed yet thoroughly intrigued.

Of course she broke up with me in the end. It was not more than a simple phone call saying her mom said she was too young for relationships. Where do girls learn how to let a man down so easy from anyway?

So love. What is it really for? What is its honest purpose? I genuinely loved this girl. I think I even said it to her after the third conversation. Is it something we do to ourselves to bond us with another individual or is it something that happens to us as a result of meeting the "right one". Why is love such an utter mystery. Why is love such a scavenger hunt? Why is love such a dice game? Why is love such a joust match? Why do we play this game? Are they any actual winners? It reminds me of the lottery, have you ever known anyone personally who won. Why does love not come with an instruction book? Are their any rules? How do you know whose turn it is? What happens if you lose? Do you go to jail and go directly to jail, do not pass go and do not collect your $200 dollars? Can I cash in my love for money now? What is the point?

Now, before someone tells my fiancé that I have cold feet and she needs to leave me alone allow me to conclude with an explanation. I think love needs to be redefined. Our lives are so over saturated with the word and concept of love that it no longer holds the value it once did. Love is one of the biggest marketing tools ever. We wear it. We eat it. We blow our noses on it. It covers our baby's bottoms. It tastes great and is less filling. Its damn near everywhere. We don't love each other, we love LOVE! But what about the true essence of it all? I thought it at one time was an actual emotion? Not just a word. If I could go back in time I would ask my first "girlfriend" did she really "love" me? If she didn't outright say no she would probably respond with, "I don't know". We play the game before we even understand the rules and that even goes for adults. What are we doing? We know how the pieces work. Rooks move straight. Bishops move in diagonals. We hold hands. Kiss. Look into each others eyes. Such an incredible chess match is love indeed. But what is the prize? Happiness? Security? Love itself? Sometimes, this, I still wonder.

Do you believe in love? Yes | No


Read the follow up question to this post on Yahoo! Answers

Monday, October 29, 2007

The five o five : Monday, October 29, 2007

Back to the future

Ever since I was was young I was obsessed with time. You have to imagine though (with me being an eighties baby and all) that I had a very good reason to be. It

All you have to do is devise an itinerary of the things you need to do and the things you want to do in order to get them all done and if you don't get them done today then just carry the activity over to tomorrow. So you you go through your whole day crossing things successfully off the list. All the way up until the sun goes down. You wake up the next morning and make your new list including the things you didn't do the day before. You make it to the end of another day, once again without finishing the list off, so you you once again put them on the next day's list. You continue to do do this everyday until you realize (when you turn 26) that you are still carrying over list items from when you were 18!

seems that the entire world was contemplating the dilemma of time and mortality. We had the songs on the radio, the movies at the theater, and the shows on television all talking about the intricacies of time and the universe. For an impressionable young person it was enough to mold me into the mildly crazed adult that you see here. So what is it about time that had us so befuddled? Back to the Future stands out the most. You remember; Michael J. Fox (Marty McFly) jumps into his Delorian (Time Machine) and travels back in time (totally by accident) and ends up almost dating his own mother thus altering the course of history thus almost erasing himself from time all together. Now Back to the Future was an interesting examination of the consequences of time travel but for some reason (ignoring the films own stark warning about the dangers of such an act) Marty goes on to do it on three other occasions making his time travel adventures a trilogy. Soon after there was a television cartoon series produced based on the show and every episode had Marty traveling through time not only mucking up his own family linage but altering important historic events as well. What the hell? So what does all of this have to do with balance?

Growing up (being influenced by the world of media imagination) I was one of those wide eyed youth that didn't believe in limits. At one point I seriously thought I could fly. I would make audible sound effects every time I punched my fist or jumped off a high curb. The world was not exciting enough so instead of being depressed about it I imagined it more eventful. As I got older I grew out of most of my childish activity. I still sometimes make sound effects when I jump but I still held firm to my obsession with time. Now since I discovered in adulthood that time travel is not yet possible I decided to make try to make the most out of the time that we are all given to work with. That means balancing your activities to fit within this stiff box of daylight and night time. There is so much too do and so little time. It almost upsets me that this is the way that human life goes. You have to cram all that you have to do with all that you want to do into this small window of hours between the time you wake and the time you go back to sleep. When you're a child you don't worry about this sort of thing but as an adult it becomes an all consuming activity. So you are taught that you have to balance.

At first it sounds so simple. All you have to do is devise an itinerary of the things you need to do and the things you want to do in order to get them all done and if you don't get them done today then just carry the activity over to tomorrow. So you you go through your whole day crossing things successfully off the list. All the way up until the sun goes down. You wake up the next morning and make your new list including the things you didn't do the day before. You make it to the end of another day, once again without finishing the list off, so you you once again put them on the next day's list. You continue to do do this everyday until you realize (when you turn 26) that you are still carrying over list items from when you were 18! What kind of sense does that make. How can your life ever be or feel accomplished when there is simply not enough time to accomplish anything. Add in school, work, family, friends and yourself and everyday of your life is filled with multiple demanding possible unfulfilled list items. If you look at it like that you are likely to just give up and become one of those "timeless" slackers that are looked down upon. The ones that carve away their waking moments playing Halo 3 and chatting on their cell phones. I didn't want to be one of those. I know to many of them personally and I wanted a higher quality of life (although sometimes their lifestyle appears quite appealing). I wanted to be somebody so I tried to wark hard at balancing my list.

I thought that maybe all I had to do was reorder my list in such a way that the things of most importance get done first and the other things (of I suppose least importance) go to the bottom. For a while this works but then life has its way of throwing its curve balls at you (i.e. bills, children, family, relationships etc...) So frustration sets in. I almost had given up. I'm 26 and I haven't finished college. I'm 26 and I'm not a professional anything yet. I'm 26 and I don't have my own house, my own car or a billion dollars in the bank. Those were on my list but at this rate I won't get to them until I'm 90.

What I wouldn't give for a Delorian right now.

Suddenly the picture was complete. The puzzle was finally finished. The Rubix Cube of life was now solved.

Then as I had lost all hope. As I had thought this is the way that it was gonna be from here on out I had ran into the sole reason I had so many list items in the first place (my role model, Jeff Johnson). When he was my age he had a posh condominium. He drove a Beamer. He had style. He had swagger. He was everything I knew I wanted by the same age. So when we met again I almost wanted to call him a liar or blame him for all my failures. I almost wanted to start throwing things and yell "liar this" and "ass hole" that, but I remained composed. We conversed about time and all other things "adult" until we finally came to the subject of balance. I told him how overwhelmed I was that my life had taken such an off centered and he responded dryly, "There is no such thing as balance." I wanted to punch him dead in the nose but his statement had literally stole my breath away. He had just burned my entire life agenda in one fiery huff.

"Balance is an act that must always be maintained," He continued.

Suddenly the picture was complete. The puzzle was finally finished. The Rubix Cube of life was now solved. He had not said much but he had said everything I needed to hear. It all made sense now. I thought back on Back to the Future and I understood the real point of the film. I understood that every time he went back and changed something in the past he had to change something else in order to restore the balance. Balance doesn't happen on its own you have to make it happen and not just once but whenever needed. His statement didn't make me forget about all that I was hoping for in life but it did make me think about how to better manage the present. The present is all we have. Balance is an act. It requires maintenance. If life leans left then tilt right. Its just like riding a bike. Of all the lessons I've learned in life this late chapter may be the most profound. This lesson is the reason I do this very blog at 505 in the morning. This lesson is the reason why I still push towards my the goals even though I may have already lost the race. Balance is an act. So as the curtains close and the spotlight goes dim I hope that there is applause when I take my final bow.

Balance is an act. Marty would be so jealous.
