Friday, June 06, 2008

The Five O Five: Friday, June 6, 2008

Here we are then

Its not 5am as a matter of fact its no where even close to 5am but here I am blogging on "the company's dime". I never have any excuses nor do I believe that any of my 12 faithful (or forgetful/hopeful) readers care to hear.

Sometimes I feel like a single leaf adrift on the calm flowing pace of a woodland stream. Before you know it you are swept up in fierce swelling river rapids all while trying to remain in one piece. That's what my life has become. Not an uncontrolled mess of activity but very similar to the flow of a raging river. You can see where its heading but you are uncertain of the obstacles that may lie in your path. You bob and you weave and you hope and pray to avoid the jagged rocks and rigid banks. You cringe and hold on to the smallest ounce of faith that natures probability has you calculated into larger scale of life on earth and you are not scheduled to drown and get impaled (not today at least). You are wet, crying and ready to go home but this is the only way there. You've just got to hold on. Its not much longer.

In short, that is the summary of my absence. I've been drifting, wading, doing whatever I can to keep my head above water. At some point I hope to finally reach the vast ocean to which inevitably all rivers must lead. I'm sure of it. I can feel it. I just hope I'm alive once I get there. Its gonna be hard but we'll do it together. Ok?