Tuesday, October 30, 2007

5:05 : The Movement

-5:05 Team

Are you an early riser? Do you have a lot on your mind first thing in the morning? Can you type? Well the five o five is slowly becoming the social experiment of the decade.

The concept is very simple. As soon as you wake up (it doesn't have to be 5:05am) you need to blog whatever your first thoughts of the morning happen to be. You are allowed to edit and pretty it up however you feel but I want raw and unaltered thoughts to go in first. Do you think you can handle it? There is no required length. No required topic. Just wake up, think, and blog. That simple? That simple.

Wanna be a team member? Send me a message.
You can blog it on the official five o five blog or on your own. Its up to you.

For more info on what the five o five is all about [click here]