Thursday, November 01, 2007

The five o five : Thursday, November 1, 2007

Family Values

I'm starting to believe all this talk that the end of the end of days is upon us. Have you seen the world lately? Everything is falling to pieces but the media wants to pretend like its no big issue. No one wants to admit that the whole thing is going to hell in a breadbasket because no one is ready to go yet. I know I don't because I just got started. It really doesn't matter though, what I think or how I feel. God does what he wants to do. It is his world anyway and we are his creation. So I appreciate everyday that I am allowed to think, breathe, sing, dance, work, struggle, fail, succeed, live. Isn't that how it should be? What about the rest of the world though? Why does it seem like some people are more fortunate than others? Why does it seem like some are rewarded tremendous successes while others suffer the worse disappointment ever? Maybe its all about perception, the way you see the things around you. I tend to enjoy the smallest and most insignificant pleasures in life while some look at it with the attitude of, "That's it?" It all falls on one single word and concept in the end. VALUES.

I work for a teen prevention program and my boss is always talking about "values" as though it were stronger than the strongest brand of Gorilla Glue[tm]. He always says that, "Values determine the way that you live your life. Values determine what you become. Values determine how you spend your time and the company you keep. Values are the only possession we own that can show our true worth to the world." Values, after hearing him talk about it, sound like a big deal.

The world was a lot more simple then. Children, in my day (I sound old now), did things like go outside, play tag, climb trees, ride bikes, roller skate, jump rope, cut grass, etc, etc... It was all about being creative. I think it made us appreciate the world more. We didn't have virtual reality the real world was our playground.

Back in the eighty's I remember most of the television sitcoms focused on that very same concept of values. Their melodramatic half hour quips set the tone for how they wanted people in society to act, live, and resolve issues and conflicts. Sure the world wasn't perfect back then either but people did seem a bit nicer. These days sitcoms come packaged with "off the wall content" and ignorant displays of rudeness or plain idiocy. I'm still trying to figure out if its art that imitates life or vice versa? You can't blame T.V. for everything though. Some of it is our own fault. But what is it that sets the stage for what we value?

When I was younger I was one of the happiest children in the universe. We didn't have PSP's or DS's. We didn't have cell phones and text messaging. We didn't have Cartoon Network of satellite. We only had each other and our imagination. Now, some of you younger readers are probably sitting and glaring wide eyed and open jawed at the screen re-reading the previous sentence over and over to be sure you understood it correctly and I assure you that you did. This next sentence is the killer though. Are you ready? We didn't have the internet[check it out on wikipedia] either. Now calm down it's not that serious. The world was a lot more simple then. Children, in my day (I sound old now), did things like go outside, play tag, climb trees, ride bikes, roller skate, jump rope, cut grass, etc, etc... It was all about being creative. I think it made us appreciate the world more. We didn't have virtual reality the real world was our playground.

So when did we make this introverted transition into the realm of selfish behavior and self confinement? That answer I do not know but I do know that people are going to truly regret not taking notice of the world around them especially after it all breaks down. We don't have long and I know this for a fact. The proof is in the way we treat each other. Yes that's what I said. We treat our fellow "Human Beings" like crap. Look at the stories that make the headlines. At one time the news was a respectable outlet for information and morality but now its filled with the same garbage that fluffs the edges of our sitcoms. But stories like "Britney Spears loses it," and, "Paris Hilton goes to jail". Or stories like, "Michael Vick arrested," an "OJ looses it all." This is what the news is all about these days. The stories don't end with a positive spin or comparison, they just end. So now we sit in front of screen (while the Viagra commercial fills your head with even more disturbing images) not knowing what to think.

I know for sure that the world is almost over, I have proof. There was something that happened to me yesterday evening that I must share with you all. It was almost the most disturbing thing that has ever happened to me but it says a lot about the way people think. So sit down kids a get ready for a story. Ok here it goes.

I could have been a preacher, a teacher, a counselor, his regional manager, GOD. I could have been Jesus returning to judge humanity and he alone damned the whole of existence.

I was at my favorite store yesterday, Best Buy, when I was elated to find out that my favorite game, Dance Dance Revolution [check it out on ign], had released a sequel to the play station version of their game. I had a brief internal argument with myself over the decision to get the game or not because I still have other bills to pay and I didn't want to have to sacrifice my responsibilities for a game (how is that for values?). So I walked over to the live display they had set up for the game to see if it was worth the purchase because if I could afford it then I would at least like to try it out first just to see if I would enjoy it in my home. I was dressed in my work clothes at this time which consists of a collard shirt, neck tie, basic slacks and dress shoes. Nothing that would say anything less than, "That guy handles his business." So I step onto the dance mat sorting through the selection of songs to see if there were any that I would be interested in. The game had a nice collection of tunes and I was even impressed to see that a Chris Brown [Chris Brown on Chris Brown] number had made the list. I was sold. A couple of the employees (not gonna mention their race so you already know who they were) walked over and started a casual conversation with me. I half way answered their questions because I was more interested in experiencing the game at this point. One of them shot a half insulting statement my way but I batted it back unimpressed (picture Barry Bonds for that one). I was now ready to play. The song was Le Freak by Chic and even on expert mode it was a bit slow for my tastes but I guess it was just the right speed for a guy wearing a suit and tie. The two employees continue to talk to me as I played and I ignored most of what they had to say until one statement finally pierced my confident bubble of ignorance. I had made the statement that I teach a class for those wanting to learn how to play DDR (and I do it's called Step FX [visit my cafe press store]). I had also told them how I lost 30 pounds over the summer playing the game every morning for a half hour. One of these ignorant individuals responded with what he thought was a funny joke but it had literally made me feel sick to my stomach. He said,

"You wanna know how I lost 30 pounds this summer?"

Before I could blatantly tell him no and continue with my game he continued,

"I found me some fine girls and I "F_ _ _ _ d" them."

YES! HE SAID THAT TO ME! I could have been a preacher, a teacher, a counselor, his regional manager, GOD. I could have been Jesus returning to judge humanity and he alone damned the whole of existence. Values have left the building.

I'm ok now. After the incident I lost my appetite (not for food but just in general). I even stopped playing in the middle of the round. After he said what he said he did go away but I wonder how long had he been waiting to display he immaturity. His lack of morals. His lack of values. All day? All week? His whole life? Is this what our society is coming to that you can approach a complete stranger and on top of that a potential customer and insult their ability and interest with an inappropriate remark? Whatever happened to tact? Whatever happened to respect? Did all of those get canceled along with Family ties and Different Strokes? Who's in charge of the fall line up for reality? Can we get a few reruns? I would love to see a few old episodes of compassion? I would appreciate watching a show or two of honesty. I would even sit through an hour of respect, if that still comes on anywhere. That's the way I feel.

I still ended up buying the game. I need something to take my mind off of the world. Something that I can appreciate. It is the end of the world so I might as well find some enjoyment.

Cue the theme music and roll the credits.

Read the follow up question to this post at Yahoo! Answers



Wow. He he REALLY say that???

He probably doesn't or won't have that job for too long.

People like that should work at McDonalds.

Remember when I got that Girl fired?