Who will save us?
What is your definition of a hero? Think about it for just a second and then give me a complete
Even though we have yet to explore the vast depths of the ocean, the immense breadths of the polar arctic or even the complex makeup of our own minds we are now pointing our shiny NASA death bullets at the planet Mars and beyond with prospects of colonization even before we have stepped one grimy Neanderthalic foot on its dusty red surface.
The problem (and I suppose benefit) of human existence is that we are always looking for something that is bigger and better then what we already know [See the post I did about optimists]. Even though we have yet to explore the vast depths of the ocean, the immense breadths of the polar arctic or even the complex makeup of our own minds we are now pointing our shiny NASA death bullets at the planet Mars and beyond with prospects of colonization even before we have stepped one grimy Neanderthalic foot on its dusty red surface. Where are you going so fast? Why is it that the things we presently have or the world that presently entertains our curiosity seems to be the dullest thing that god could have ever devised to occupy our time? Why is it that something as magnificent as a sunrise, majestic as mountain range or miraculous as childbirth can not hold our muse long enough to be sung about, written about or blogged about on a daily basis. Instead our minds are being poured glasses of filth and nonsense. Glasses filled with gossip, violence and pornographic material all the way to the brim. Mental drinks are being mixed with Iraq and Kevin Federline (the equivalent of Vodka) as the base and The Dallas Cowboys, Barak Obama and Bill Gates (the sweet chaser) all blended into a toxic elixir which distorts our reality just the same as alcohol does. We closely monitor the intake and distribution of alcohol so why not the other crap (Brittney Spears, Paris Hilton, President Bush, Michael Vick, Steve O etc, etc...), Isn't it just as intoxicating?
So back to my initial question, "How many heroes do you know?" Modern society would have you think (with its' big budget Hollywood films with their elaborate plots and expensive special effects) that heroes are those individuals or beings that are gonna descend from upon high down to save us from who we are internally. Who comes to your mind when someone says "Hero". For some of us we think of that popular television show on ABC which tries investigate the idea of what it would be if Heroes (of the "super" variety anyway) really walked amongst us and how the whole of humanity respond to their presence. It does an ok job but it really just boils to down more special effects and a story about discrimination as usual. Why are our heroes are always freaks of nature? Spider Man got bitten by a radioactive spider. Superman is not even from here. The X Men are mostly all genetically superior to the rest of the human race and Fire Man... Ummmm Fire Man just saved some guys house from burning down.
Who is Fire Man you ask? Well he is just who he signed up to be, a distinguisher of fires too large for your kitchen fire distinguisher to distinguish. I know the people in California appreciate him. What about Police Man and Garbage Man? What about Dr. Man or Volunteer Man (I'm stretching it now). Why don't they have big budget films where they do what it is they really do? Is it because they don't wear capes? Is it because most of them won't look very attractive wearing spandex tights and brightly colored boots? Where are their trading cards? Didn't some of them die saving people in the world trade center and aren't some of them risking their lives everyday to protect us from us? Why is it that in Hollywood the "Spandex and Caped ones" have no respect for them tossing them aside so they can do the job of us regular heroes? Where are these flying freaks in real life? Are they in Iraq? NO! Are they fighting the fires in California? NO! Did the go down to Jena Louisiana to help protest the unjust system of racism in America? NO! So where the hell are they?
The way they tell it even Jesus will be wearing a cape on his return but I for one hope he doesn't (capes if you haven't noticed are utterly tacky and distracting).
Thank you for your post about heros. Many of us do not realize that heros surround us everyday. We have been so propagandized to believe that heros must have superhuman powers of some sort. Or that they must be the fireman or policeman that saves us in times of distress, when only they are doing their jobs. I am not trying to take anything away from our civil servants. We need them and appreciate them greatly. But if we all just take our time to look around us we will see heros in us all.
Who is your hero? Who can be a hero? Can you have more than one hero? To me my son is a hero. He is a single father rasing his daughter. And my little sister who is in the U.S. Airforce. No she has not served in Iraq or any other war zone. But she has served in the Airforce approximatively 20 years achieving the rank of Cheif Master Sargent. Or even my youngest son who suffered a horrific accident where he was crushed by a forklift and we did not know if he would survive this tragedy or not. Why would I consider him a hero? Ask anyone who has ever been in such circumstances the strenght it takes to prove the medical establishment wrong when they tell you that you may never walk again.
Or maybe you, yourself can find the hero in yourself. You helped the lady on the side of the road to change her flat tire and wanted no payment but a thank you. You mowed your neighbors yard because they are elderly. You tutor students after school.
Maybe this word "HERO" (Definition- A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life.),needs to be redefined.
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