Day 1
Yourself Fitness is just one of the tools I'm using. I know this is the whole Wii Fit era but I don't have a Wii yet so this "old school tool" will have to do (plus the instructor has a pretty nice bump for a computer girl). I did my best today. I managed to make it through a full 15 minute workout. I sucked at the initial evaluation. I only did 4 push-ups, 20 squats, and 60 crunches.
My full plan includes: Getting back into my DDR (STEP Fx) workout; Getting back into healthy eating; Getting up at 5 am; Making it to work before its time to be there. So far so good. Its Monday. I'm up. I worked out. I feel energized. Pray for me.
Day 1
i'm up at 5 to drop 300 cards when i need to drop 300 lbs. okay i'm not that fat, but really i could use this time to exercise.
i have a wii fit and it's great. you really do get moving, you can get the personal trainer "game" for 1 on 1 workouts. highly recommended because it puts the fun back into exercise...nobody really wants to we just need to. :)
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