Red Pill, Blue Pill
[1]<- What's this?I know most of you remember the movie The Matrix [imdb The Matrix], particularly the scene where he had to choose which pill to swallow [ Blue Pill | Red Pill]. If you haven't then it basically boils down to this guy named Neo [imdb Keanu Reeves] being told by this other guy Morpheus [imdb Larry Fishburn] that he's been living in a dream world his entire life and if he chose to take the right pill then he would be able to wake up and finally see the world for what it really was [youtube red pill, blue pill]. Decisions like that are the stuff of Hollywood but in real life we do have some hefty options to weigh. For those of us that have children especially, we have some irreversible selections we make every time we interact with our kids. The choices we make while they are younger transfer directly over to their "responsible adult account" or "deviant grown up fund" when they get older. Every choice is investment in some future action that we have yet to encounter.
No matter what the options, you have to decide one way or the other. Staying neutral just allows someone else to make the choice for you.
As children most of our choices are made for us so we start out small. What toy do I play with? Is it wise to hit that girl and run away or should I take her a flower? As we get older the choices get a bit harder. What do I want to pack in my lunch? Should I do my homework now or wait till tomorrow in class? Is it wise to hit that girl and run away or should I take her a flower? Then, when we reach our late teens it gets really hard. Should I be a band geek or a math nerd? Which one of these five girls who asked should I take to the prom [tigga99 photo]? Is it wise to hit [urban dictionary *hit] that girl and run away or should I take her a flower? And finally we reach adulthood.
Choices are the substance of life and experience. It fills our cups with happiness and success or poison and grief. Maybe next time when you are asked do you wanna do this or do you wanna do that, maybe you'll take just a second to think about what will come with the decision you make. Who will benefit or suffer from your selection? What will change in the world tomorrow? Will you earn respect or ridicule later in life? Am I making the right decision?
Sometimes decisions make them self. Sometimes we are faced with a choice with no easy out. Veterans returning from the war often bring home the tales of hard choices made and not made. Each press of the buzzer in life's game is a life saved or a life lost. My daughter asked me one day, "How do people end up homeless?" I answered simply, "Choices". Choices are the substance of life and experience. It fills our cups with happiness and success or poison and grief. Maybe next time when you are asked do you wanna do this or do you wanna do that, maybe you'll take just a second to think about what will come with the decision you make. Who will benefit or suffer from your selection? What will change in the world tomorrow? Will you earn respect or ridicule later in life? Am I making the right decision?
Its hard to imagine a future unborn but its not wise to walk around like it's never gonna get here or its not gonna affect you.
Morpheus:This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
Are you ready to wake up? A.Yes B.No C.Hit that girl and run away then take her a flower?
Do you wanna make the right choice? Read the follow up question to this post on Yahoo! Answers
HMMMMMM, Food for Thought
In response to your statement:
"responsible adult account" or "deviant grown up fund". You also state that often these may be the results of some parental decision(s) made for this future adult when they are children. Although this may be true it is not always so. Explain if you can, how two children raised in the same household with the same parents, with the same rules can be so different? How one can grow up to be this "responsible adult" and the other the "deviant grown up"?
Investment doesn't always guarantee a return. Remember that I also talk about the personal choices we make as well. Your parents don't hold your hand forever so at some point the training wheels come off and you must pedal on your own. This could explain how any number of siblings from the same house turn out so differently. The universe itself shows examples of this all the time. Look at the leaves on a tree or the flowers in a field. They are from the same source but every one of them distinctly different. You try (as parents) to get your money's worth (in the end) but you never know. Ya'know.
Very good answer.
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